Friday, September 30, 2011

Flag Football

The Vikings

Ryan and Brandon were so excited to start flag football again this year.  Their team name. .  The Vikings (they are NOT happy about that).  Practices have been two nights a week and then they have games every Saturday.  Nate has been helping out with the practices so the boys have enjoyed having "guy nights" on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

Brooklyn and I have enjoyed watching the games. . .maybe I should say I enjoy watching the games. . .Brooklyn seems to sleep through the whole game which disappoints the boys because they think she would REALLY like the game.  Oh, and I'm supposed to try to dress Brookie in purple so that she matches their team's jersey color. 

Anyway- the boys have improved a ton since last year.  Ryan enjoys playing quarterback.  Hmmmm. . imagine that. . .the boy who wants to be in control of all situations likes playing quarterback!  Brandon plays on defense and also loves to "hike the ball" to his brother.  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hornet's Nest

So the boys discovered a HUGE hornet's nest in our tree in front of our house.  We showed it to Nate when he got home and I know that the minute he saw that thing he was freaking out.  A can of wasp killer was not going to do the job. . .greater measures were going to have to be taken to get rid of this thing.  Not an ideal situation when you're scared of bugs.  I know I shouldn't talk since I'm not the insect killer at this house, but funny nonetheless.

Nate came into the house and immediately started watching UTube videos with the boys about how to destroy a hornet's nest.  The boys particularly liked the video where the people clipped the nest into a garbage can, dumped in some gasoline, and started the whole thing on fire. 

Nate decided we would probably have to go the route of clipping the nest into the garbage can and then opening the lid a crack and spraying wasp spray into it.  Luckily, Nate's friend who had the tree limb clipper came over to help.  The boys got all suited up so they could help.  As soon as the hornet's started coming out of the nest, I had two little boys banging on the front door.  They finished watching from the front window, but declared Nate and his friend Ed. . .superheroes!!

These videos are funny. . .if you have time, watch them :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Brooklyn at 1 Month

So, YES, I have been a total slacker and this is probably the picture that I have of Brooklyn around 1 Month old. I think I had a camera permanently glued to my hand when we had Ryan and Brandon, but with this baby I'm always wondering "Where's the camera?" and then I get busy with something and the moment escapes me.

It's funny because in my head I didn't think adding one more child to the family would have that much of an impact. . .I thought it would happen rather seamlessly, but I think because of the age gap between the boys and Brooklyn it's been a bit more difficult that I anticipated. We're thrown back into nap schedules, feedings, and a mommy who's been picking up all day after two messy boys while trying to do laundry and fix supper. 
We've had a lot of help and I'm so grateful for that. Our family has been extremely blessed by our amazing church family. They've helped me out tremendously with meals so that I have more time take care of Brooklyn. Nate's mom, grandma, and aunt have been coming over to help keep up with cleaning.
What's new with Brookie?
  • She eats every three hours; day and night.
  • She simply goes to sleep if there is too much action around her. Getting passed around too much or seeing too many faces results in a complete shutdown at this point. It's pretty fun for whoever is holding her though because she'll just cuddle up in your arms and sleep away.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Brooklyn's Baptism

Auntie Jo and Uncle Josh with Brooklyn
Grandma and Grandpa

Brooklyn was baptized at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church on September 28, 2011. A new life being given the gift of faith through the beautiful blessing of baptism. What a truly special day!! Knowing that your child is entrusted to God is such a joyous feeling.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Visit

What did we do when Grandma and Grandpa came in September?
  • Snuggled and cuddled with Brooklyn
  • Took flag football pictures and played with Nerf guns in a dart zone
  • Went for a motorcycle ride (Nate, Grandma, and Grandpa)
  • Threw Grandma a birthday party
  • Baptized Brooklyn
  • Played Lego Creationary
  • Took McDonald's to school and ate with Ryan and Brandon