Brooklyn is growing WAY too fast. It is amazing to me that this first year is halfway over!
What's new in Brookie's world?
- Well, I shouldn't have gotten so excited about the sleep thing, because we are back to waking up multiple times during the night. Rats!! Brooklyn will eat for a bit, but then she just likes to suck and suck. . .w'ere going to have to break this habit soon! I'm afraid it's going to take several nights of crying in order to show this girl who's boss :)
- Brooklyn still does not like her bottle. . .and her eating has also become very sporadic. At one feeding she's hungry and then she'll completely skip her next feeding. This must be some new diet plan that I'm not aware of.
- She's rolled over from her tummy onto her back. . .sort of. She showed me, Ryan, Brandon, and Daddy her new trick. . .so she did it a total of 4 times. She hasn't done it since then. Does this count?
- Her hair is growing in and I'm fairly certain we are going to have a redhead on our hands. The boys hope her hair starts to grow faster, oh and they would prefer if it were "smooth." (as opposed to curly)
- At her last doctor's appointment, Brooklyn was still in the 50th percentile for head, weight, and length and she weighed 13 lbs. 14 oz.

I usually get to tease Nate that he is Ebeneezer Scrooge during the holiday season, but this year I must say that it was I who turned out to be a regular Grinch. I was frazzled, unambitious, and a bit complacent through Christmas and New Year's. Not only did it hamper the spirit for the kids, but I felt horrible once the holidays were over because I felt like I had missed it. I missed all of Christmas and what the focus of Christmas should have been. Shame on me!! I vow to do better next year.
I know Christmas was still exciting for the kids, I just think I could have done a better job. We went bowling (as we usually do on Christmas Eve), attended our church's Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, opened presents from their Grandmas and Grandpas and Aunts and Uncles and Cousins from North Dakota/Minnesota, and went to Aunt Darlene and Uncle Tom's for pizza and snacks. The boys were excited to get home in order to set out their milk and cookies for Santa. . . .so off we went.
Christmas Day is a bit of a blur. . .we opened presents in the morning and had Nate's family here for breakfast. Then, it was time to quick pick up, Skype with my family, finish making dinner, all while trying to nurse Brooklyn because she refused to take a bottle, and get ready for Nate's family to head back over to our house to eat.
The day went by SO fast. . .and reflecting back on things, Nate and I decided that we will change some things for next year. Oh, AND I didn't get one single picture of this Christmas so this is a no picture post!! Even writing this post, I feel just wretched. . .Blech!!!
I have to confess that our December has been atypical with a new baby in the house. I quickly put up the decorations myself. Usually the boys and I spend a lot of time on this and they get to help, but since they are in school all day and the decoration boxes sit in the hall until things get put up, I just took care of it.
The boys and I decorated the tree, but I didn't make a big deal of it like I usually do. Looking back on things, there is a lot that I wish I could change, but it is hard to juggle everything with a new baby in the routine. I made myself promise that next year I would be much more on top of things.
We managed to get some sugar cookies decorated this year (this was the only Christmas baking I did this year. . .Yes, I'm a terrible mother) the week before Christmas. The boys had a great time decorating.
Brooklyn and I also went to the boys' Christmas party at school. We got to watch them play games and decorate Grinch cookies. (Oh, and the boys made me promise to make Brooklyn wear a bow in her hair when I brought her to school so the kids would know that she was a girl. With her pink clothes, pink stroller, pink blankets, pink everything it looks like someone threw up pepto-bismol on the girl. I'm not sure how anyone could think she was anything other than a baby girl).
My friend Suzy came and took a few pictures of our family so I'd have something for our Christmas card. She ended getting a super cute one of Brooklyn (who's 3 months in the pictures) and some great ones of the boys.