Cousin Heather took Ryan and Brandon to the Birds of Prey Wildlife Refuge on Tuesday. They had a BLAST. When they came home I learned all about wingspans, and vultures, and the California Condor. Oh, and they LOVED telling me about the bird that would try to attack anything wearing pink. . .they thought it was hilarious. Heather bought them a book so they could learn more about some of the birds they had seen. They've been writing "research reports" ever since.
Here are a few pictures of their adventure. . .
Brandon makes a nice bird. . .don't you think?
This picture freaks me out a bit. . .
Check out our wingspans!
Connie took the boys on Wednesday for "Grandma Day." The boys went to the library and made homemade pizzas at her house. They love being at school, but they sure do miss their Wednesday Grandma Days :)
I spent the rest of the week trying my best to entertain the troops. We worked on a building project one of the days. Ryan built a sailboat and Brandon built a truck. We got the building kit from Grandma Mona a couple Christmases ago. At first, Nate and I had to help them do everything, but this time around they wanted to do most of the work themselves. They are really growing up :)
Ryan working on his sailboat.
Brandon painting his truck.
Busy Builders
Brooklyn finally started feeling better toward the end of Spring Break just in time to get our family back into a normal routine before school started again. I thought I'd add a few pictures of Brookie playing with her dolly. . . .
Brookie has the most beautiful blue eyes!! I hope they don't change color. . .
This is usually how we play with our dolly. . .