What's new in Brookie's world?
- Well, I shouldn't have gotten so excited about the sleep thing, because we are back to waking up multiple times during the night. Rats!! Brooklyn will eat for a bit, but then she just likes to suck and suck. . .w'ere going to have to break this habit soon! I'm afraid it's going to take several nights of crying in order to show this girl who's boss :)
- Brooklyn still does not like her bottle. . .and her eating has also become very sporadic. At one feeding she's hungry and then she'll completely skip her next feeding. This must be some new diet plan that I'm not aware of.
- She's rolled over from her tummy onto her back. . .sort of. She showed me, Ryan, Brandon, and Daddy her new trick. . .so she did it a total of 4 times. She hasn't done it since then. Does this count?
- Her hair is growing in and I'm fairly certain we are going to have a redhead on our hands. The boys hope her hair starts to grow faster, oh and they would prefer if it were "smooth." (as opposed to curly)
- At her last doctor's appointment, Brooklyn was still in the 50th percentile for head, weight, and length and she weighed 13 lbs. 14 oz.