Nate and I got to St. Luke's this morning at 7:00 a.m. to check in for our induction. Once I had my I.V.'s put in and the baby monitor on, the nurse came in to give me the gel to begin contractions. The morning was off to a good start. My contractions began half an hour later and as with most inductions, were very strong. I was also lucky enough to experience back labor. Holy crap. . .It is SO much worse than regular labor. I spent a lot of the morning breathing, concentrating, sitting in the bathtub. Finally, I decided that I didn't need to be a hero since I was going to get an epidural anyway. My epidural came at 12:00 and Dr. King broke my water around 1:00.
Brooklyn had some problems with my contractions after my water broke. Each time I had a contraction, there was a marked drop in her heart rate. The doctor noticed that when she broke my water, there wasn't much amniotic fluid that drained. I also wasn't dilating as quickly as Dr. King would have liked. With Brooklyn in distress the doctor began discussing the possibility of having a C-section with us. I really wanted to try to avoid this, but the most important thing was making sure that Brooklyn was o.k. They had Nate get scrubs on just in case.
Things seemed to be getting worse, when the nurse checked my monitors and noticed that the contraction monitor was hooked up incorrectly. My contractions were much stronger than they thought and when she checked me again, she realized I was dilated to a 10 and was ready to start pushing.
Unfortunately Brooklyn was turned the wrong way and got stuck. Dr. King used the vacuum to try to help get Brooklyn out. This left quite a large sore on the top of Brookie's head. Not the optimal situation, but it was too late to turn back now :)
After the circus we went through with the boys, Nate and I kind of thought that this birth would be a piece of cake. Calm and intimate. Well, I guess that we put on a good baby show because by the this time I think we had 7-8 extra people in our room. . .a couple nurses, two residents, our main doctor, and a couple people from the NICU.
Brooklyn was born at 3:57 p.m.
The minute we saw our baby girl we were in love! It is amazing how much joy and love a heart can hold in that moment when you see your child for the first time. It truly is one of God's most precious blessings!!
Nate and I didn't have a lot of time with Brooklyn. . .she was having trouble breathing and the nurses quickly asked Nate to go with them and Brooklyn to the NICU. The unknown definitely caused a great deal of worry and tears, but luckily Brookie just needed some oxygen and monitoring and Nate was able to bring her back to me. We were so glad that we were in a hospital that specializes in neo-natal care and that we have a loving Father that watches over us.
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