Well, I knew that a difficult month had to come my way and 5 months, although delightful in some ways, was the pits in others.
- Brooklyn only likes to lay on her back with her feet in the air. It was quite a feat to get a 5 month picture with her all stretched out :)
- This whole "Bottle Business" is for the birds!! I think I've spent $50 on different bottles just praying that Brooklyn would magically fall in love it. No such luck. . .
- We're rolling over!!! I kept waiting and waiting for the day and FINALLY now I can stop stressing out about the whole thing. (Funny, I kept telling everyone that Brooklyn was just going to do things at her own pace yet deep inside I'm thinking, "Hello child, you're 5 months old and you should be rolling!!" Just imagine how this Mama is going to react when we get to the walking stage. . .the boys were walking at 10 months. . .that's a lot of pressure!)
- Sleeping at night. . I'll rephrase that NO SLEEPING AT NIGHT. So much for my all of my bragging in months 1,2, and 3. I'm paying for it now. Brooklyn is still waking up several times during the night and it is very draining on me. Nate can't really help me out because half the time the girl is voraciously hungry and wants to eat. So I keep telling myself that this year is flying by (it really is) and she won't be a baby forever. . .tear, tear :(
- Her eyes are still the most beautiful blue color in the world.
- Her hair is definitely going be red and she has quite a bit of peach fuzz on the top at this point.
- No signs of any teeth at this point.
Yay! Red hair like momma! I can totally feel your pain on the sleepless nights! Preston was pretty good in the beginning too (like a normal new born) and then he hit 4, 5, 6, 7....etc months and has become a TERRIBLE sleeper! We tried everything--and finally ended with sleep training, "The cry it out" method! He can now (sort of) put himself to sleep at night and only wakes up 4-5 times! Much better than the ever 1/2 hour we were getting up before! You, better than anyone, know how much this mommy needs her sleep....please let this madness end! I hope it will end for you soon too!