Monday, October 31, 2011


Well, I'm happy to say that this year's costumes had nothing to do with super heroes!!  Initially, the boys wanted to be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Luckily, I found some at Target that were reasonably prices and fit the requirements Nate set for me "find the cheapest costumes available."  Unfortunately, Target does not make costumes that fit my growing boys. I brought them home to try on and they were WAY too small. 

So, Nate got to experience shopping with his sons.  He took them to the costume shop and let them pick out their own costumes (interesting. . .dad's don't need to stick to a costume budget when they take kids shopping).  Two elated boys came home with exactly what they wanted!!  This year I got to cruise the neighborhood with Indiana Jones (a.k.a. Ryan Lowry) and a mighty Ninja (a.k.a. Brandon Lowry).

Halloween Day was super busy. . .I volunteered in the boys' classroom for their Halloween Party and then we had Nate's family over for our Annual Halloween Chili Dinner.  Everyone got to see the kids dressed up in their costumes and then we also had family to watch Brooklyn while Indiana Jones, Mighty Ninja, Nate, and I hit the pavement to find some trick-or-treats.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Brooklyn. . .2 Months

A glimpse of Brooklyn at 2 months:

  • She's smiling and cooing. . .it's the best sound in the whole world.  She has the softest voice (compared to her brothers) and she's just so sweet. 
  • Brooklyn has a really strong neck.  She's already lifting her head all the way up when she has tummy time.
  • She might have a soft, sweet voice, but all her bodily noises are so VERY LOUD.  She is a loud eater, a loud pooper, and yes. . a loud tooter.  The boys find it hysterical!!
  • She still loves to fall asleep in someone's arms.  It doesn't matter who the person is, she'll curl right up, find a warm spot, and just snooze away.  She particularly likes to snuggle up with her Auntie Jo.
  • Brookie is a champion sleeper compared to her brothers.  She's waking up once during the night for a feeding.  She usually sleeps from 9:30-3:00, feeds, and then sleeps from 3:30-7:00.  Amazing!!  Is this really MY child?
  • She has a tosis in her left eye.  Her eyelid muscle is a big weaker and so it doesn't open as far as it should.  The doctor said she should outgrow this.  For now, it looks like Brookie is winking in all her pictures.
  • We all fight over who gets to get Brooklyn up from her naps.  Whoever unwraps her from her swaddle is rewarded with the biggest, most precious smile ever.  They become her hero!!
  • She is in the 50th percentile for head circumference, height, and weight.  At her 2 month check-up she weighed 11 lb. 1 oz.