Saturday, May 25, 2013


The boys played baseball this spring and it was so much fun to watch them.  Each game, both Ryan and Brandon showed improvement.  They graduated from coach-pitch to kid-pitch, so the games took a little bit longer and it was a bit more challenging for the kids.  Here are some highlights from the season. . . .

 Beginning of the season. . .Team:  Yellowjackets
 Brooklyn at a game
 Boys in the dugout
 Ryan up to bat. . .
 Brandon swings. . .
 and he's off to 1st Base.
 Ryan sliding into Home
 Brandon coming Home
End of the Season

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Brandon at 8. . . .

Brandon at 8 is full of energy!!  He is funny, happy, playful.  He loves to spend time with friends and play sports.  Brandon can be a bit dramatic, especially when he gets hurt, but we're working on that a bit :)

I asked Brandon to complete this Birthday Interview and here are his answers. . . (Ryan and Brandon were NOT allowed to fill them out together.)

1.  Who is your favorite person in the whole world?  Mom
2.  What is your favorite color?  Red
3.  What's your favorite television show?  Lego Star Wars
4.  What your favorite outfit?  My Nike shirt, socks, and Under Armour shorts
5.  What sport do you like best?  Football
6.  What song do you love?  Dynamite
7.  What's your favorite cereal?  Reeses Puffs
8.  Who is your best friend?  Rocco
9.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  NFL Player
10.  What is your favorite book?  Harry Potter
11.  What are you really good at?  Dirt Biking
12.  Where do you wish you could go on vacation?  Mexico
13.  What is your best memory?  I flew off my dirt bike into a gopher hole
14.  What would you buy if you had $10000?  A Mansion
15.  What vegetable od you hate the most?  Cauliflower
16.  If you could have a wish, what would it be?  To surf in Hawaii
17.  What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Cookie Crunch
18.  Who is your biggest hero?  My Dad
19.  What do you like to do best with your friends?  Be Funny
20.  What do you hope you'll get to do before your next birthday?  Get 2000 tickets at Wahooz

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ryan at 8. . . .

Ryan has grown and changed so much this last year.  He is extremely confident, loves sports, and playing X-Box or on the computer.  Ryan enjoys spending time with friends and loves trying new things.

This year I gave the boys a Birthday Interview page to complete. Here are Ryan's questions and answers. . .

1.  Who is your favorite person in the whole world?  Brooklyn, my sister
2.  What is your favorite color?  Boise State Colors
3.  What's your favorite television show?  Johnny Test
4.  What's your favorite thing to wear?  Under Armour
5.  What sport do you like best?  Football
6.  What song do you love?  Gangam Style
7.  What's your favorite cereal?  Reeses Puffs
8.  Who is your best friend?  Rocco
9.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  NFL Football Player
10.  What is your favorite book?  Harry Potter
11.  What are you really good at?  Football-Quarterback
12.  Where do you wish you could go on vacation?  Hawaii
13.  What is your best memory?  When I went to the Mall of America
14.  What would you buy if you had $10000?  I would buy a flat screen T.V. for my room.
15.  What vegetable do you hate the most?  Cauliflower
16.  If you could have a wish, what would it be?  That all my wishes would come true.
17.  What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Cotton Candy
18.  Who is your biggest hero?  My Dad
19.  What do you like to do best with your friends?  Play Thunder
20.  What do you hope you'll get to do before your next birthday?  Go to Wahooz

Monday, May 20, 2013

Ryan and Brandon Turn 8

Ryan and Brandon took a bunch of their friends to JumpTime (a trampoline play center) for their birthday this year.  Then, Nate brought them all home and we had pizza and cake.  We celebrated their birthday with family on Sunday.  Throw in a baseball game or two and it was a jam-packed weekend. 
 Brandon's new dirt bike
 Ryan's new bike
 Opening Presents
 I missed getting a picture of the whole cake. . .Rats!
 New fishing reels from Grandma Mona and Papa Kevin
 Coldstone Cupcakes
Make a wish. . . .

Monday, May 6, 2013


Nate earned a trip with Allied Insurance this year and so we were fortunate enough to get to travel to Maui at the end of April.  Lucky for us, Grandma Mona and Grandpa Dave and Grandma Connie agreed to watch our three little kiddos for us while we were gone.  Nate and I were super excited to have a "grown-up" vacation and Ryan and Brandon were REALLY excited to spend a week with their grandparents. 

Grandma Mona flew to Boise on Saturday morning so that she would be able to spend a couple days getting acclimated to the kids' schedule before Nate and I took off on Monday morning. 

The kids had a blast and continued on with their school schedule and baseball practices. 

Nate and I enjoyed a week of sun, sailing, and snorkeling.  We attended a luau, went on a sunset dinner cruise, and visited Haleakala National Park. 

 Balcony Hotel View
 Setting up for Dinner

 Relaxing at the pool
 Our snorkeling spot
 Haleakala National Park

 Our unexpected visitor during our sailing trip
 Trying to surf. . . .need to work on the form :)