Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Opening Day. . .

Baseball Season is here!!!  Saturday we went to the opening ceremonies for the Northwest Ada Little League Rookie division.  The all of the teams and players were introduced (Ryan and Brandon are on the Hooks team), we sang the "National Anthem" and "Take Me Out to the Ballgame", and even got a few practice throws in.  Our first game is on Tuesday night and Ryan and Brandon are SO excited!!

 Brandon throwing to Ryan

 Only 5 of our players could make it to the Opening Ceremonies

Brandon #2- Touching Home Base at the Opening Ceremonies
Ryan #10. . Touching the Home Base at Opening Ceremonies
 Ryan throwing to Brandon

Aww. . .great brothers. . .Go Hooks!!

Spring Pictures

Just a couple pictures of the kids playing outside.  It is starting to get so nice here. . .I can't wait for summer!!

 Can he catch it?   

 Brandon catching the ball

 Brooklyn's favorite thing to do. . . .she loves a box filled with toys. . .

 and then she pulls everything out one by one and then does it all over again :)

 Ryan flying his awesome kite from Tim, Melissa, and Jack

 Brandon working his kite string :)

 Shooting hoops in the backyard

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I woke up Easter morning to an absolutely gorgeous day.  What perfect weather to celebrate the Risen Savior!! 

I have to admit that I was a bit groggy getting out of bed on Sunday.  My sweet Brandon had been up twice the night before because he was "SO EXCITED" about Easter.  I must say that I don't think his excitement had anything to do with Jesus being raised from the dead. (I'm looking forward to the day when the true meaning of Easter and Christmas is remembered by the boys rather than the focus being on all the commercialism stuff).  Ryan and Brandon have been waiting and WAITING for their Easter scavenger day hunt. . .and not very patiently I might add.

I started making Easter scavenger hunts for the boys several years ago.  Each year I do different types of clue: the first year I gave the boys pictures of where their Easter items were hiding, one year we wrapped all the items and they had to guess what was inside, and last year they were given riddles they had to solve in order to find their Easter basket items.  This year I took close up pictures of where the items were, but then I cut the pictures apart.  Ryan and Brandon had to put the pictures back together, like a puzzle, in order to find their loot. 
The boys had to wait until after Easter dinner before getting to do their scavenger hunt (I am DEFINITELY not making them wait next year. . .they drove Nate and I crazy the whole day waiting for the search). 

We went to early service and breakfast at our church.  The boys got to participate in the egg hunt at Cross of Christ before we headed home to get ready since we were hosting Easter dinner at our house.

As always, it was a great day of family, food, and fun.  We were able to catch up with family we hadn't seen for a few months (welcome home Grammy and Grampy) and relax and enjoy the sunshine. 

Most Importantly. . . .
We are so blessed and are beyond thankful to have a Savior who would die for our sins so that we may have eternal life with him.   

Brandon found a golden egg

 Easter Family Picture

It looks like Ryan is going for the yellow eggs

 Mommy and Brooklyn at breakfast

 My super cute kiddos

 Grammy and Brookie

 Papa and Brooklyn

 Ryan and Brandon solving their picture puzzles

Brooklyn opening her Easter from Grandma

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Johanna's Baby Shower

Brooklyn and I were able to spend some time with the women in the Lowry family for Johanna's baby shower.  We were so honored to be a part of Johanna's day and we absolutely can NOT wait for Baby Luke to make his arrival. 

 Grandma and Brooklyn

 Cousin Heather and Cousin Wendi

 The Lowry/Kyle women

 Brooklyn is SO excited to be at the shower

 Auntie Jo, Brooklyn and me

Grammy, Kaden, and Aunt Darlene. . .Kaden likes your "pretties," Grandma :)