Monday, August 27, 2012

Brooklyn's 1st Birthday Party

We had Brooklyn's party on Sunday, August 26th.  I had so much fun decorating for it. . .pink everywhere!!  Brooklyn didn't really care for her cake and her favorite part was when everyone sang to her.  Here are some highlights:

 Brooklyn pushing Luke in her new stroller before the party
 Birthday decorations

 Brooklyn's "Smash Cake"
 Opening presents
 "Look, I got a cell phone and a purse!"
 Trying out her new push/ride toy
 All decked out in my birthday gear
  Not a fan of this cake (white cake with buttercream frosting)

First Day of School. . .

The first day of school is a total mix of emotions for a mom.  I have truly enjoyed spending time with Ryan and Brandon this summer and it makes me sad to think of them gone all day long.  Our house is going to feel completely different without them being at home and I'm not sure what Brooklyn is going to do without our chaotic schedule. 

On the flipside, it will be so nice to add some structure to our schedule.  Once school begins, bedtimes are in force and there's a routine to get homework, dinner, and football practice done.   Another perk: my house might stay clean for more than an hour.  We pretty much lived in a disaster zone this summer because we weren't home long enough to clean our house.  We had activites each day of the week: playdates, library, waterpark, zoo, park, cabin trips and each adventure meant more of a mess.  Something had to give and it was the clean house. . .I would rather spend time playing with my kids than maintain a spotless living area. 

Either way, it really doesn't really matter how mom feels on the first day of school because Ryan and Brandon are BEYOND excited.  They have been waiting since the 1st of August for this day to come.  They want to see their friends and get to know their new teacher.  I'm truly blessed to have kids that are excited to learn and who WANT to go back to school. 

Nate and I chose to put Ryan and Brandon in the same class this year after weighing all the pros and cons. "Yes," there is some competition between the boys and "Yes," Brandon does easily "pout" or "get down" if he doesn't do things as well as Ryan.  Ryan, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have a problem if Brandon does something better than him.  Brandon is still my worrier and I think knowing his brother is around helps him feel more comfortable.  They both have voiced that they would like to be in separate classes, but for now, Mom and Dad are choosing what we feel is best for them. 

I can't believe I have 2nd graders!!  I have several "hopes" for Ryan and Brandon this year:
  • I hope they both continue to be passionate about learning
  • I hope they make wise choices in regards to behavior and friends (it gets harder and harder the older they get. . .they are still at the age where they will tell me what the kids they hang out with say or do and I am sometimes mortified by this information.  All I can do is hope they act the way Nate and I taught them to.)
  • I hope Ryan doesn't drive his teacher crazy trying to be "right" all the time and I hope Brandon continues to find the silliness in situations :)
 Awww. . .Brothers
 Ryan's first day of 2nd Grade
 Brandon's first day of 2nd Grade
 The boys didn't want Brooklyn to feel left out :)
Brandon and Ryan with their teacher, Mrs. Drlik

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Last Playdate of the Summer!

For our last playdate of the summer we headed to the zoo.  Our playdate day this summer was Monday and we were able to have a lot of fun. . .Mondays were filled with playing at each other's houses, swimming, and park fun. 

Brooklyn's One!!

It's amazing how the first year of a baby's life happens in the blink of an eye. . . Nate and I really weren't able to enjoy the boys' first year (I wonder why?).  Sleepless nights, crying babies, and exhaustion kept us wanting to move forward to a time when all of the hard stuff would be over.  Our tunnel vision prevented us from living in the moment and really enjoying Ryan and Brandon as infants.  With Brooklyn, we've been able to relish "baby moments" and it's gone by far too quickly for both of us. 

Now, we're heading into the toddler years and more fun is headed our direction. . .

So what has Brooklyn been up to?

  • She's walking.  She still enjoys having a finger to hold onto when she's outside on the cement or on the hardwood, but she's loving her independence.
  • She has 8 teeth, four top & and four bottom and it looks like a molar is on its way.
  • She LOVES dogs. . .this is very sad considering we are not an animal family.  Anytime she sees a dog at the boys' football practice or at the park, the girl goes crazy.
  • Her favorite foods are cheese and yogurt.  She tends to like salty food more than sweet food.
  • She's still working on growing her hair. . .Mommy desperately wants to put ribbons, barrettes, and ponytails in her hair, but I'm going to have to wait a looooooong time before that happens.
  • She hasn't said one word, yet. We squeal, talk gibberish, and say "Oi,Oot, and Uh-Oh" a lot. I keep telling myself she'll do this in her own time, but I really would like her to at least say momma and dadda. . . Actually she says, "dadda" but she says it about everything.
  • She loves to drink out of a straw.  (Thank you, Auntie Angie!! Brooklyn learned this trick from Auntie on our trip to Minnesota).
  • She really likes her binky during naptime and bedtime.
  • She likes to do things herself! If she could talk she'd probably say in a sassy voice, "I can do it myself!"  Daddy thinks she got this trait from Mommy :)
  • She is happiest when her brothers are at home playing with her.  Ryan and Brandon get better and better with Brooklyn the older she gets.  They give her rides on her toys, wrestle with her, chase her around the house, give her loves, and will do ANYTHING to make her laugh.  When they are all playing together and happy and laughing, my heart is so full of love that it seriously hurts!! 
  • She loves attention. . . she will smile at anyone with her big toothy grin and immediately people come up and start talking to her.  She's an attention hog!  Ryan and Brandon think it's so funny and of course they think they have the cutest sister ever.  They are very proud of her and love having her with them.  I know this won't always be the case so I'm relishing it now.
  • She hates being strapped into anything including her carseat, stroller, bike carrier, etc.
  • She still takes two naps during the day and sleeps through the night.  MIND-BLOWING!! 
  • She LOVES being outside. . .she'll stand by the front or back door and cry until she gets to go out into the sunshine.  Not sure what she's going to do when it gets super cold out.
  • She is a happy, HAPPY, baby.  If Brooklyn is crying, it usually means something is wrong because she has the sweetest disposition.
  • She's 30 inches long and weighs 22 lbs.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Football Begins!!

Ryan and Brandon have been waiting and waiting for football to start and we finally got the e-mail from PAL today about the beginning of the season.  AND much to our surprise, we found out that the boys' coach would be. . . . .Daddy!!  When I signed the boys up in the spring, I had checked the "Assistant Coach" box for volunteering opportunities.  Needless to say "Assistant Coach" became "Head Coach" and now I also have a husband who is stressed out about the whole deal.  I can't really blame him. . . It's a large time commitment and you also have to deal with "The Parents."  As a former teacher who had to deal with parents, "The Parent" thing is probably the worst part of this volunteer position as you have to give equal playing time to players, manage the kids at practice, and keep the parents happy.  While it may be a pain to get things organized and set-up, I know the season will be AMAZING, Ryan and Brandon will have a ton of fun, and the team will learn a lot; afterall, they have the Best Coach around :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Grandma Mona and Papa Kevin

Grandma Mona and Papa Kevin made their summer trip to Idaho in August.  We spent time up at the cabin where the boys were able to show Grandma and Grandpa all their new tricks. We went boating, swimming, tubing, and skiing.  Ryan and Brandon were also VERY excited that Papa Kevin went with them on a dirt bike ride to the top of West Mountain.

Grandma and Grandpa spent a couple days back in Boise with us before heading home so we were able to make it to the Discovery Center.  We ate at the park afterwards and then Grandma and Grandpa took the boys on a shopping adventure after lunch.  Ryan and Brandon got to go to the Blue and Orange store and pick out some new Boise State gear.  They each got a shirt and a Bronco hat. 

We had a mini-birthday party for Brooklyn since Grandma and Grandpa wouldn't be here for her actual birthday.  She loved the chocolate Coldstone cake that Grandpa picked out! 

 Grandma and Brooklyn "shopping" at the Discovery Center
 Hmmmm. . .how do we do this?
 Love this picture!!
 Brookie trying out her birthday cake. . .
Say "Cheese"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cousin Eli Comes to Visit!

Mike, Carlene, and Eli came to visit in August and it was definitely a busy week.  Grandma and Grandpa G.G. threw a Lowry family dinner, the kids and I headed up to the cabin for a couple days with Uncle Mike, Aunt Carlene, Eli, and Grandma & Grandpa, and we had a picnic at the park with the Biggers side of the family. 

Lowry Family  2012. . .Look at all the cute babies!! 

 Mommy and Brooklyn (11 months old)
 Aunt Carlene feeding Luke, Grandma holding Eli, and Auntie Jo
 Uncle Mike showing off
 Ryan, Aunt Carlene, and Uncle Mike
 Relaxing on the patio
 Ryan, Brandon, and Eli at the Splash Pad
 Beautiful day for a picnic

Grandma and Grandpa with their grandkids (minus Luke who was on vacation with his Mommy)

 Grammy with Eli, Grandma with Brooklyn, and Aunt Darlene with cousin Kaden