Sunday, April 1, 2012

Johanna's Baby Shower

Brooklyn and I were able to spend some time with the women in the Lowry family for Johanna's baby shower.  We were so honored to be a part of Johanna's day and we absolutely can NOT wait for Baby Luke to make his arrival. 

 Grandma and Brooklyn

 Cousin Heather and Cousin Wendi

 The Lowry/Kyle women

 Brooklyn is SO excited to be at the shower

 Auntie Jo, Brooklyn and me

Grammy, Kaden, and Aunt Darlene. . .Kaden likes your "pretties," Grandma :)

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful news! So excited for Josh and Johanna! Please send them my congratulations! When is she due? Soon I am guessing since a)you had the baby shower and b)they know they are having a boy!
